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jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

da "Di soglia in soglia"

Yesterday I remained at home the whole day. waiting for a phone call, sounds funny isn't, it was a sort of appointment. Yet, almost at midnight I got a message, and realize the meeting wouldn't be possible. I went to bed exhausted of waiting for, procrastinating over the impediment to communicate with my beloved ones, I had a dream, a vivid one, interfered with the remembrance of my cat jumping over my bed. I could clearly feel his weight on the edge of my bed, I woke up in the dark trying to see and touch my cat that existed only as a dream, then I'd recognize the room in which I just happened to moved in a few days ago and realize my cat wasn't there at all. It doesn't matter if we live in the telecommunication age, still difficult to approach to the ones you aim to be near by. I don't completely understand the reason, is not a tangible one, remains in the unknown, in the simple possibility or in this case, in the impossibility to meet one another.

Con Alterna chiave.
Paul Celan.
Con alterna chiave
tu schiudi la casa dove
la neve volteggia delle cose taciute.
A seconda del sangue che ti sprizza
da occhio, bocca ed orecchio
varia la tua chiave.

Varia la tua chiave, varia la parola
cui è concesso volteggiare coi fiocchi.
A seconda del vento che via ti spinge
s'aggruma attorno alla parola la neve.

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