Entradas populares

sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011

Recognizing the shift

"To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul." Simone Weil on exile.

Paradox of global present, here is where I start singing... Lopez Alavez's "Mixteca" song.
If art must reconfigure in relation to transformed modes of cognition and experience
linked directly or indirectly with the activity and imagination of new subjectivities and communities in a conflict ridden with social environment, the way we think about research'd change,  challenging hegemonic uses of media and testing out new ways of assembling and presenting information. Tangible world dilapidated by the infinite phantasmagoria of images on line or on screen. This is where I shift to Kurt Weill's "Alabama" Song.

Strategies of materializing knowledge through concrete procedures are develop as a result of awakenings of communal memory within a culture depenent on historical amnesia. Installation art is paradoxically implied a sense of position and spatial homogeneity that can engage contemporary experience with a stunning diversity of materials and practices. What we habitually refer to as photography, film, video, television no longer has a stable identity and is now subject to increasingly frequent mutations as part of larger technological trans_formations

"theatricality paradoxically outlined the conditions that would come to define installation art" Rochelle Steiner

If theatre still provides one of the paradigms for today's instalations it's rhetoric has been superseded by other concerns, the idea of stage through repeated use of framing devices.
If place can be defined as relational, historical and concerned with identity then a space wich cannot be defined in those terms will be a non-place.

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