The poem does not demand that one interpret it, but that one enter its operation: “The rule is simple: step into the poem, not to know what it is talking about, but to think what is happening there. Because the poem is an operation, ti is also an event. The poem takes place.
Alain Badiou, Petit manuel d’inesthétique (Paris: Seuil, 1998)
No es por casualidad, creo yo, que Ellis Island es visitada en la actualidad. Aquellos que pasaron por allí no tienen ningún deseo de volver. Sus hijos o sus nietos vuelven por ellos, vienen a buscar una huella: lo que fue para unos un lugar de pruebas y de incertidumbres es para otros un lugar de memoria, uno de esos lugares arlrededor del cual se articula la relación de los une a su historia.
George Perec. Ellis Island.
Now, all this is shifting today, both in the domain of meaning and in that of space. We are told that the ‘great narratives’ are dead and that there are no more myths of the origin or of the future. Population movements, the development of communications, and globalization all affect the symbolization of the relations inscribed in space: in short, social meaning (the meaning of the relations between people) is weakened even as the spaces of communication, circulation, and consumption become more anonymous. It is no longer the time of the surreal, of a surplus meaning that reality hid from intelligence, entrusting it to intuition or augury; instead it is the time of de-realization which replaces the depths and meanders of life with the flat visibility of the copy or the simulacrum. Communication replaces language, an spectacle replaces landscape.
Marc Auge . Art in a glaze
An age will come after many years when the Ocean will loose the chains of things, and a huge land lie revealed -Seneca, Medea
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