Entradas populares

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

verde Lorca

la sonrisa discreta 
que viene de un pensamiento fugaz 
propia de la disposición a la materia

poseer a la vez, algo de serpiente y algo de pájaro 
de colores 
de noche estrellada

En los jardines juego de agua    
y pájaros mil colores    
a lo lejos    el  viento

cercanas las pupilas cristalinas    
y en todas partes        
tanta belleza

dentro de poco nos habremos amado
dentro de poco será verano
dentro de poco estaremos muertos

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

While getting back home, soaking wet, pedaling my bike in a rainy day I think of the blankness of an empty television set, the t.v. static seen in relation to a lighted billboard or an empty picture frame has some thing more than a reference to minimal Art, yet the statement is undeniably related to this aesthetic in that it refutes the virtual space of these objects as the basic construct.
It is not the purity of aesthetic receivership alone that fulfills the art "coeficcient" or even the formal awareness and cognition of the visual connection that associates one compositional infrastructure, the invisible linkage wich offers its framework of ideological support. Is not absolute, can't be fixed. perception is always circumstantial.